Mariyam Nafees and Her Husband actively Participate in Long March New Photos

Mariyam Nafees is an arising ability in the Pakistani business. She is a youthful entertainer working in Pakistani dramatizations. Mariyam is as of late hitched to her closest companion and love of life Amaan Ahmed. Amaan is a visual craftsman and a chief.

Last Entertainer Mariyam Nafees was at D chowk with Youthful Spouse and beautiful Mother on the call of her Captain Imran khan for Azadi Walk, Mariyam Nafees spread the banner of Pakistan close by, When aficionados of Mariyam Nafees see there, they more boldness and feel cheerful. Mariyam Nafees actually holding up Kaptan Imran khan at late night in D Chowk Islamabad.

Mariyam Nafees is an exceptional and flexible arising entertainer in the Pakistani media business. She began her vocation as a theater maker and changed to following up on the little screen. She made her TV debut in Murmur television’s “Diyar-e-Dil” as Zarminey and later showed up in “Yaqeen ka Safar” and “Kamzarf.

An exceptionally good nature Mariyam Nafees Returns to Ordinary After Marriage and Begin Legitimate Going to Various Ramzan Show. As of late They showed up in Rabia Anum Ramzan’s show and Talked about the individual Existence of Mariyam Nafees After marriage.