Junaid Jamshed Son Opens Up About Financial Difficulties After Father’s Death

Junaid Jamshed was famous Pakistani Naat Khuwan and religious teacher. He first rose to fame as a popular Pakistani singer. Junaid Jamshed passed away in December 2016 in a tragic plane crash. Recently, his son Babar Junaid Jamshed first time opened up about facing financial difficulties after his father’s death. He also talked about his inspiration behind joining Tableegh (becoming religious student).
Talking about facing hard times, Babar Junaid Jamshed said, “After our father’s death, we sold our house, it was becoming quite difficult for us to maintain that particular lifestyle, a lot of people think that we are lying when we talk about our financial difficulties but we really had to go through financial issues. At the time of our father’s death, he was the only bread earner of our house and we all were students. Well, Allah always tests his selective people”. Babar Junaid Jamshed further said, “people used to come to our house and would demand a hefty amount in the name of our father’s debt, they were the random people, we never knew about those people. How could we afford to pay that money, we didn’t know about our father’s financial dealings, his charities and his other businesses, we only knew about the outlet, we were completely blank about everything”
Talking about joining Tableegh He said, “after a few months, I thought that I should join Tableegh, I talked to my father’s friends including Saeed Anwar who took me with him for forty days tour of Tableegh, after which I never looked back” Here is the link to the video:
Fans prayed for Junaid Jamshed and also extended their love and prayers for his family. They praised Babar for following religious path: