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Eggplant snack Follow for daily vegan inspiration . . . Recipe by โ€จThin gr…

Eggplant snack ๐Ÿ’ฅ
Follow plant_basedrecipe for daily vegan inspiration ๐ŸŒฑ๐Ÿ’š
Recipe by micadeli_
โ€จThin grilled eggplant pieces with italian inspired topping. I have shared the recipe for you right here if anyone wants to make it:
*Half eggplant, 3 slices
*Handful of small tomatoesโ€จ*2 tablespoon of hummus
*2 tablespoon of green pesto
*2 teaspoon of parsley
*olie, salt and pepperโ€จWash the tomatoes, chop them in small pieces and cook in oil, salt and pepper on a pan. Slice the eggplant and add on pan too in a few minutes on each side. Serve with hummus, pesto, fried tomatoes and fresh parsley. ๐Ÿด

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